"Trophy" (Online - Part 4 posted)

Original Feminist Sword and Sorcery Story Series. With lots of LGBT. Not all but lots.
First book collection coming in Spring 2013!!!

Moderator: pkristen

"Trophy" (Online - Part 4 posted)

Postby pkristen » Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:07 am

by P. Kristen Enos
Copyright 2013 - P. Kristen Enos (I own these characters and their drama.) Part of the "Creatures of Grace" story collection.

Author's Notes: So no idea how many installments or how long it will take to write this one. Especially since I'll be writing "The Mother's Hex" at the same time. But let's find out...

* * *

After the fiftieth or so announcement of a prince, lord, sir or champion on behalf of prince, lord or sir, Princess Bianca completely lost her mental list of preferred suitor. Partially, she realized that her preferences didn’t matter anyway. The most skilled (and perhaps divinely lucky) fighter will win her hand and the chance to be the future king of her father’s kingdom. Plus, most of these men she had never met before, so an introduction with their best airs in front of her father is probably not the wisest way to rank preference. And finally, she couldn’t see their features that clearly anyway without her spectacles that were tucked away in her side pocket of her gown.

Her father, King Gustavo, on the other hand, would be supremely happy if she would be won by a man of royal or noble blood. The former strongly preferred of course. And from the largest kingdom possible.

As the latest suitor did his formal salutations, she shifted slightly in her throne to see how many more were in line behind him in the grand hall. All she could see was a mass of a lot more men ready to be announced. While this ceremony was the expected part of pomp and pageantry, she knew it also served to let the suitors not only present themselves to her father but to allow them to size up the competition.

When all was said and done, she was resigned to be content with a man who was kind and clean. So she maintained her most pleasant smile and nodded on cue for the rest of the presentation.

Now, Bianca may be a little near-sighted, but her hearing was perfectly fine. In fact better than most.

While the presentation continued, she couldn’t help but be mildly distracted by an increased level of murmurs from the crowds. She glanced at her father to see if he noticed anything. If he did, he didn’t show it. Which was her cue to do the same.

But then the next suitor stepped forward and she could feel everyone gasp.

She saw a tall but slender figure in a gown with matching cloak standing with the clear awareness of being the center of everyone’s attention. Bianca didn’t need to pull out her spectacles to confirm that this latest suitor was a woman, despite all temptation to do so.

Right behind the suitor was the familiar, portly figure of King Alrik with his royal seal on his cloak. Knowing that he was the center of attention, he stood with his commanding presence even though this was not his palace.

King Alrik announced in his deep voice, “Greetings, King Gustavo! I am here to present my only daughter, Princess Alexis, as a suitor for the hand and crown of your daughter Bianca.”

You could hear a feather drop despite there being a thousand people in the grand hall.

Taking this cue, Bianca took out her glasses and slipped them on.

Her mind raced as she stared at Alexis, realizing she hadn’t seen her in at least forty years, when they were both very young girls. And from what she remembered, she always thought Alexis was a tall, gangly girl, and the decades did not seem to have softened her style. However, she never thought she’d see the girl again in this type of situation.

And true to form, the now grown Alexis did an awkward curtsey with her own version of a royally pleasant expression.

With all of the color drained from his face, King Gustavo said as he kept looking back and forth between the two of them, clearly not quite certain how to react. “Ummm, Alrik, old friend, old comrade. Is this… ?”

“A joke? No, old friend. The bid is quite serious.”

The princess in question merely crossed her arms but didn’t say anything. She did not project the aura of someone who was pleased.

The reigning king settled back in his throne, took a fortifying breath and then announced, “Your declaration has been heard. Perhaps we can have a private audience on your petition right after we have heard from the other candidates?”

“Of course, old friend.”

* * *

“Have you lost your mind?!” Gustavo demanded once the two men were in his study and armed with a full goblet of wine each.

“Not at all,” Alrik said as he stretched out in the plush chair. “This is a perfect opportunity to blend our kingdoms in the most peaceful manner possible. And since I’m not personally available for marriage, and nor are my sons, so that leaves Alexis.”

“Who has the obstacle of being a woman. Though – don’t get me wrong -- she has grown to be a fine woman on her own. But don’t you think this is pushing convention?”

He shrugged. “I don’t see how? We are royal law are we not? There is no law stating a marriage must take place between a man and a woman. And if there is, we’ll just change it. It’s good to be king! Or kings, in this case.”

“If that’s your logic, then we should just allow multiple wives!”

“Oh, please. My Freya will have my man sacks for that. She’s not as forgiving as your Sophia. And I couldn’t give my boys that option because they all chose wives with the same temperament as their mother.”

“And what about children? There won’t be any heirs!”

Alrik gave him a pointed look. “That’s something that could be worked around. After all, we both know that children aren’t necessarily the produced by the lawful parents.”

Gustavo was so frustrated that this matter did not seem to have the same level of seriousness in the other man’s mind. “I’m not going to let you humiliate my only daughter and royal heir like this!”

Alrik just smirked and pointed out, “You’re acting as if Alexis already won the tournament and Bianca’s hand.”

He frowned. “I don’t want Alexis to participate at all! I won’t be responsible for her being hurt.”

“Ah, but you see, she’s my only daughter too. And I know she won’t be hurt.”

Dumbfounded, Gustavo stared at him. “Do you honestly think she’ll win? We have the best men from all of the kingdoms of the southern continent out there.”

“All I’m asking is that she be allowed to participate fairly, and given the rightful reward due if she wins. Our daughters are dutiful girls and will concede to our wills…” Alrik grinned. But then he leaned forward and said with a tone of steel, “Old friend, we both know I’ve always wanted your territory, and this is the way for me to get this without us having to go war. And you know who would win if that should happen.”

Gustavo studied his expression and turned ashen. He swallowed his discomfort to regain his composure. “Well, if she doesn’t win, how will I know you won’t want wage war anyway?”

He leaned back and shrugged. “Let’s take one thing at a time, shall we?”

-- To be continued --
Posts: 256
Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:39 am
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Re: "Trophy" (Online - Part 2 posted)

Postby pkristen » Sun May 26, 2013 10:07 am

by P. Kristen Enos
Copyright 2013 - P. Kristen Enos (I own these characters and their drama.) Part of the "Creatures of Grace" story collection.

Author's Notes: I'm now becoming creatively curious about where this story is going to go since I realized that there are many, many story threads it could have. Time will tell if the characters do what I think they will.

* * *

“This is so – so… so inappropriate on every level, Your Majesty!” Duke Gideon blurted with so much disgust that he couldn’t think clearly. He wrung his hands through his long beard, the true sign that he was beyond polite composure.

“I know that! But he’s threatened war if I don’t allow her to compete!” King Gustavo growled as he anxiously paced back and forth before the fireplace. He had an handkerchief out to dab at the beads of sweat that were forming on his face and neck.

Queen Sophia and Princess Bianca sat quietly, watching the two men before them with their deeply bred patience.

“She just has to lose. She’s not going to make it past the first match so the matter will be settled then! No one is to speak of this further to me!”

The red-faced King stormed out of the room, with his right-hand man on his heels in anticipation of any impromptu order.

Once they were left alone, the Queen looked at her daughter and stated, “I’m afraid this is going to cause a fatal heart attack if we don’t try every means to calm him down as soon as possible. Have you and Princess Alexis ever exchanged letters since she was last here?”

Bianca shook her head and kept quiet, knowing that making a pointed comment about the circumstances of when the girls had last seen each other wouldn’t be appreciated.

“Then I want you to speak with her in private and see if you can talk her out of this by the time the tournament rounds starts. They can focus on trying to change the father’s mind and we’ll focus on the daughter’s.”

“Yes, Mama.”

Having given her order to solve the problem, Sophia started to leave the room. However, once she opened the door, she jumped slightly at the sight in the hallway.

Right on her heels, Bianca was able to get a glimpse of what startled her mother.

Her personal maid, Lydia was waiting as expected, but the striking woman with long ice-blond hair and bright green eyes was in mid-conversation with the suave Gino, who was trying his best to make her fall to his charms. While the maid had an amused smile as she leaned back against the wall because the would-be seducer was very clearly in her personal space, she had her arms firmly folded in a way to show that there was an invisible line that he would not be crossing.

At the door opening, both of them were startled and clearly composed themselves with the appropriate gestures of deferment to the queen.

Sophia gave them both a slight nod of acknowledgement, not one to care much for servants nor the bastard son of her husband. She disappeared down the hallway, leaving the three younger people behind.

Bianca looked at Lydia and ordered, “I need you to find Princess Alexis and arrange a private meeting with me. She can determine the time and place as long as it’s before the tournament starts.”

The maid gave a curtsey and went to fulfill her order.

Now left alone, the half-siblings looked at each other knowingly.

Genuinely curious, Bianca said, “I assume you haven’t gotten any further with her?”

“No, dammit.” Gino was used to being successful in his pursuits of females. “You ordered her to keep arms’ length from me, didn’t you?”

She shook her head. “No, believe it or not. I believe Mama hired her for the reason that Lydia did not seem to be physically… needy.”

He didn’t seem at all discouraged as he commented, “Every woman has a weakness. I just have to find hers… So, what’s the deal with Princess Alexis? Is she seriously competing?”

She shrugged. “It seems like it. Mama wants me to talk her out of it. She’s concerned that this matter will give Papa another heart attack. One that will be fatal.”

Gino’s easy-going smile immediately disappeared. He was able to live a nice life in the palace as the King’s illegitimate son. That would be at risk if his father was no longer around to sanction him, a scare he had faced once already.

“Say no more on the matter. Just think of me as one who supports our family’s efforts whole-heartedly.”

“Well, hopefully this all blows over by the morning and it will just be an amusing tale to tell years from now.”

* * *
As she readied to launch the short spear with perfect poise, Alexis took a deep breath and focused on the target before her.

Having exchanged her gown for a hunting dress, she pushed all distractions from her mind. The crowd of gawkers around her small area of the tournament practice grounds. The fact that she was so far from home. The fact that she was in the throes of public humiliation that was not her own doing.

Then she launched the spear and it landed on the target in the center of the bull’s eye.

Her self-satisfaction in the achievement was heightened by the audible gasps from the onlookers, some clapping in enthusiasm.

She turned to look at the man who had been standing to the side, who gave her a mild smile of pride, before spitting out a shot of tobacco juice.

Sven was not only her mentor and trainer, but an uncle of several generations past. He was tall, gangly man who had a certain seasoned air about him as one who had many, many experiences as a soldier in several armies. And those experiences and knowledge he had shared with his favored niece.

“That was fantastic, Lexy!” Alrik declared as he came forward, surprising both of them by his sudden presence.

She gave her father an icy frown and said, “I pictured your face… Sire.”

Unphased, he let out a laugh and gave her a hearty slap on the shoulder. “That’s my girl! Do whatever it takes!”

Her frown only deepened. “I’ve suddenly got a headache. I want some quiet time before supper.”

After she walked away, Alrik looked at the other man and said, “So she’s still mad at me, hmm?”

Sven didn’t say anything but did another spit on the nearby ground. “How did the conversation with King Gustavo go?”

“As expected, he realizes Lexy’s participation is in his best interest.” He then allowed a mild scowl. “Of course, none of this would have had to happen if that fool had just made arrangements for an alliance beforehand. Freya would have been open to trying for another son.”

“So you really believe Lexy has a chance at winning?”

He gave him a pointed look. “You know her skills better than I do. She’s proven herself at our tournaments at home. She’s a viable contender.”

“I’m more worried about the dangers she would face outside of a tournament match.”

Alrik frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Well, think about it, Sire. This isn’t just a competition for bragging rights. A royal crown is at stake. As you well know, people have done devious things for less. I’m afraid that she’s in far more danger the more she proves she could actually win this tournament.”

The King was quiet for a moment, his expression dark and stony. He then flashed a glare at the other man before turning to walk away.

Sven could hear him instruct their attendants to watch over Alexis and her belongings carefully. He allowed himself another mild smile as he did another spit.

(To be continued)
Posts: 256
Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:39 am
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Re: "Trophy" (Online - Part 3 posted)

Postby pkristen » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:16 am

by P. Kristen Enos
Copyright 2013 - P. Kristen Enos (I own these characters and their drama.) Part of the "Creatures of Grace" story collection.

* * *

Still wearing her hunting dress from practice, Alexis sat comfortably up in the boughs of the great oak and enjoyed the view of the busy harbor down at the bottom of the hill ridge. In this little patch of forest just outside of the castle walls, she was glad that three decades just made the already grand tree great for climbing for a fully mature woman rather than the skinny girl she had been the last time she had seen it.

“Hello,” a faintly familiar female voice called out from below.

Though a bit startled, Alexis immediately relaxed and smiled to herself. She looked down to see the city’s princess peering up at her in the afternoon light.

“Hi,” she responded genuinely. “Want to join me up here?”

Adjusting her spectacles, Bianca blinked in surprise at the offer and looked clearly reluctant at trying to scale the tree, as much due to her long gown as well as memories of the last time she tried to climb that tree. Plus, she wasn’t sure she could even attempt such a feet being a woman of more generous proportions.

Suddenly realizing her insensitivity at both the past and present, Alexis apologized, “Sorry, I’ll come down. How did you know that I was here?” she asked once her feet was on the ground.

“Well, my normally very resourceful maid couldn’t find you. So I guessed. Apparently correctly.”

“Ironically this is the only place I’ve been able to get some peace and quiet since I’ve arrived. My dad decided to increase the guards around me and my quarters, which is the last thing I needed.” She looked at Bianca, taking in the changes of the women who were now fully grown in their different ways. “I notice you don’t limp. Did your leg heal all right?”

Despite herself, Bianca winced at the memory of having fallen out of that tree three decades ago. “Actually, no. My leg was horribly crooked and I had to walk with a pair of crutches for ten years before a wizard passed thru and Papa hired him to correct everything.”

“Well, I am sorry,” Alexis said with genuinely contriteness. “If it makes things any better, my mom did ground me for several weeks when I got home.”

“Is that also why you never came back for another visit?”

“Would your mother have allowed it? I’m certain she views me as a bad influence even before this visit.”

“… True,” she conceded. “So how did you end up in this situation?”

Alexis shrugged as she leaned back against the tree. “I’m the oldest unmarried person in the royal succession line, despite having twenty-three living brothers with children before me. I was happily playing with swords and horses when Dad decided to yank me into his scheme. If anything, I’m surprised Mom allowed it. She had him sleeping in another suite a full week before our trip and decided to stay home herself in protest. And you? As the only child and true royal heir, I would have thought you would have been married off long ago.”

“You had your swords and horses; I had my books. And Papa was willing to leave me be. That is, until he had his heart attack. He was the embodiment of that phrase ‘Kings think they’re immortal’…Who’s going to be your champion?”

“I’m competing personally,” she stated.

Bianca was clearly shocked by the admission. “That’s dangerous! There was no one who would compete on your behalf?”

“Oh, several. All of my brothers, nephews and the complete contingent of the royal guard… But honestly, I’m better than all of them,” she stated confidently. Then she allowed herself a grimace. “I volunteered in the hopes that Dad would have realized the madness of all of this and call it off the closer it came to reality. He’s calling my bluff.”

She was now genuinely concerned. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll really have to compete?”

Alexis looked reluctant to answer but then admitted firmly, “I’m my father’s daughter. I see things through to the end.”

The two women locked gazes for a moment, each studying the other.

Finally, Bianca said softly, “Mama sent me to convince you to drop out of the tournament.”

Not at all surprised, Alexis responded, “You could let your mother know that you tried but I’ve inherited my father’s stubbornness and pride. And it only really matters if I win, right?”

She opened her mouth to say something in return but then paused. Then a deeply amused look settled in her eyes as she said, “I will deliver that message…Good luck.”

* * *

As she spun in from suitor to suitor on in the dancing swarm in the grand hall, Bianca’s face froze in a smile with all of her decades of royal grace and training. She did her best to hide the fact that she desperately wanted to sit down both in exhaustion and incredibly aching feet. Inwardly, she groaned at the realization that this banquet would only be the beginning of at least a month of nightly dance marathons.

She hid her discomfort from all except those who knew better.

“I don’t get it,” Gino commented to others who remained in their seats by his position at the royal table. Being the bastard son of the king, he lived on the fringe of royal court without truly understanding half of the shenanigans he witnessed. “Why are they trying to woo her? That won’t win the tournament, right?”

“If their intent is the crown, they won’t need to win the tournament if they can win her heart,” Sven explained as he took a big drought from his mug as Alrik and Alexis sat quietly to the side. “There’s only a contest because Princess Bianca doesn’t have a favored suitor. Should she decide on one before the contest has a champion, then the matter is all settled. And the tournament just becomes yet another contest for an arms champion.”

“Oh. Then the smarter ones should have tried to pursue before now, otherwise they wouldn’t have so much competition.”

“One would think.”

“Excuse me,” a new male voice announced.

The group turned to see a well-dressed and mannered man standing next to Alexis’s chair.

“Princess Alexis, may I have this dance?”

Her eyes widened and she barely stifled a look of reluctance. Pulling on her own royal training, she forced a flat, toothy smile as she stood. “Of course.”

As she was led to the dance floor, Alrik glared at them as he gripped his own mug with white knuckles.

Sven leaned back at the familiar scene of the woman who could ride a horse without holding the reins yet could barely take two dance steps before tripping on her own feet. He glanced at his distant nephew frown possessively as another familiar sight.

“Alrik, he may be genuine.”

The king glared at him and muttered, “As Gino pointed out, then why did he wait until the night before the tournament’s first day to show his interest? It’s just like the mind-games they did at home.”

Very curious, Gino asked, “So she has suitors too?”

Sven shrugged. “Only when we have tournaments where she has been a participant, which means the past ten years. And they eventually ‘lose interest’ once she’s proven she’s a better man than them. So yes, she has suitors.”

“That’s unfortunate. And gives the romantic arts a bad name,” the younger man declared with a knowing shake of his head. Then spying Bianca’s handmaid Lydia leave the hall, he jumped to his feet and declared, “Excuse me as I have my own pursuit to tend to.”

He left the table, passing behind the throne where Queen Sophia had been sitting and listening to the nearby conversation. She then focused her attention on the visiting princess as she was then passed to another man for a dance.

(To be continued)
Posts: 256
Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:39 am
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Re: "Trophy" (Online - Part 4 posted)

Postby pkristen » Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:35 am

by P. Kristen Enos
Copyright 2013 - P. Kristen Enos (I own these characters and their drama.) Part of the "Creatures of Grace" story collection.

* * *

When the beautiful blond folded her arms and leaned back just slightly, Gino realized that he had reached the end of Lydia humoring him. As they stood alone in the hallway, he couldn’t tell if her time limit was shorter or longer than usual.

Making one last effort for the evening, he said, “The evening is still early. Surely, you can’t be turning already.”

She looked at him with her standard cool expression with the barely curved corners of her mouth. She stated simply, “Her majesty had pardoned me for the evening. I am now on my own time. Is there anything you wish of me before I go, sir?”

The woman was savvy enough to not be outright rude and dismissive of him. After all, he was of higher class and standing than her, even if he was the bastard son of the king. Yet, he wasn’t about to abuse his privileges and order her to do something she didn’t desire.

And he couldn’t deny that her aloofness just made her even more madly attractive.

He then took a step back and said, “Not at all, Lydia. Have a pleasant evening. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you, sir,” she said with a curtsey before proceeding on her walk to her room.

Once she had turned the corner out of his sight, he let out a heavy sigh. He knew he could go back to the hall and find a far more willing companion for the night, providing she wasn’t already setting her sights on any of the visiting men who had more money and power than him.

Taking a deep breath to fortify himself, he started to take a step back towards the grand hall. He turned the corner and nearly walk right into Queen Sophia, who had been standing there, within earshot of the unsuccessful seduction.

He bowed repeatedly and deeply. “I-I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

Her regal expression was just as cool at Lydia’s but without even the faint curves of a possible smile. “Gino, may I have a private word with you?”

He blinked in surprise. He couldn’t remember if she had ever uttered his name before. But he definitely knew she had never talked to him directly before. “O-Of course, My Queen. Where shall we go?”

Minutes later, they were in one of the sitting rooms with the door closed and locked against any potential interruptions or eavesdroppers.

Gino was too nervous to know what to do, except to not sit down. Not unless she gave him permission, which she didn’t.

Sophia sat herself down in one of the plush chairs and studied him for a moment. Then she said, “I had heard that you were quite the ladies’ man. Was that an exaggeration or is Lydia just unusually unimpressed?”

He opened his mouth but was again caught in not knowing what to say. The queen was not known for her sense of humor and he didn’t want to take a chance to sound flippant and disrespectful by not giving her a serious answer.

Seeing him struggle, she held up her hand to dismiss her question and calm him. With the same motion, she showed that he was allowed to sit in the chair across from her.

As he settled himself with just enough relaxation to be comfortable but to still be attentive and alert, he noticed that she continued to stare at him with unblinking intensity.

After a moment of silence, she asked, “Do you know why Bianca is the only living true heir to the crown?”

He shook his head honestly. “No, ma’am.”

“About five years before you were born, the red death hit this city. That same epidemic also took the lives of Bianca’s other brothers and sisters that were born to your father and myself. What the public does not know is that I had also became ill but I was one of the few people to survive. Yet the damage was so severe that I haven’t been able to conceive anymore children. We don’t know if this is a permanent condition or my body just needs much more time to heal… And then you were born.”

She paused, clearly a little shaken by what she was about to say next, her gaze dropping for a moment. “I admit my disdain for you has been a reflection of my feelings for what went on between your father and mother. I did shed tears when your mother passed but my anger did not pass.” Her calm demeanor returned as she looked him squarely in the eyes.

“I know you are concerned about your fate should your father pass without having made arrangements of money and security. And I fully admit I have stood in the way of that. I never viewed you as family but I realized that perhaps I have been literal in my definitions.”

As what she said sunk in, Gino felt his nerves suddenly ease in surprise and anticipation.

“Gino, to be part of this royal family, your priority is to be loyal, defend our reputation and to preserve our core integrity. We may have occasional lapses, but we make up for that. So with that I need you to prove that you can indeed be a true member of our family. Once that happens, you have my sworn pledge to have your father sanction as a true lord of the court with money and property in your name… I’m certain that change would make you much more attractive to women like Lydia. Are you interested in such a challenge?”

“Yes, of course, Your Majesty. Tell me what I need to do.”

“As you know, this tournament is to determine the fate of our royal line. And we unfortunately have a circumstance that risks permanent, public ridicule with having Princess Alexis participate in this contest. She must not win.” She gave him a pointed look.

He frowned as he mulled her words. “What can I do about that? I’m not participating in the contest.”

“You don’t need to. You just need to be able to distract her enough that she won’t win.”

“… How?”

“That’s your challenge,” she stated. “Now, I am turning in for the night. I look forward to being able to call you son.”

Once the queen had departed, Gino sat in the quiet room, his physical stillness not reflecting the frantically churning wheels of his mind.

* * *

“That’s her? Seriously?” Sir Reginald commented over his mug as the three men huddled at their table in the hall. He was a rugged man with a brawny frame with thick brown hair and beard.

It was the morning where all of the suitors and their champions gathered for the drawing of matches for the first round of tournaments. Though the men had only met in this trip, all of them had come from countries far away, they had become fast friends.

“Well, she is the only woman here who isn’t carrying a serving tray,” remarked Sir Jacob as he wiped the traces of foam from the thick black curls of his beard. He was a tall and gangly man but carried himself with a sure-footedness of a warrior.

“A shame. She’s actually better looking the one we’ll be fighting for,” he tsked.

Jacob let out a hearty laugh and said, “You must not like women with a little meat on their bones. A full woman should bare many children.”

“You know, I’ve heard that but if that’s true, why is Princess Bianca the only royal heir? If this royal house is a fertile line, she should have several brothers and sisters.”

Being a clean-shaven man of tall and wiry stature, Sir Jiro commented, “Word has it that the king has sowed his seed elsewhere. At least once. There’s a bastard son that’s part of the court.”

Reginald was now very interested. “Ah! A crown that isn’t limited to the regular boundaries of marriage. I had heard the women in these lands were uppity. They must know their place after all.”

“Well, all of them except that Princess Alexis… Which one do you think is her champion?”

The three men studied the handful of extra men that shared her table with her father.

“I’ll bet it’s that scraggly one,” Jacob remarked. “It’s always the one that seem the weakest but they turn out to be the toughest fighters.”

“Hmmm. True.”

Suddenly, the crowds start to hush as the entourage of the city’s king entered the room to begin the task at hand.

Duke Gideon was particularly pompous as he led the servants who carried the boxes of one hundred and seventy three markers that will be drawn to determine the matches. It took ten servants to carry in the wooden display boards that would show the progress of the tournament matches.

An hour later, Reginald and Jiro had their markers drawn and were introduced to their different opponents.

Finally with about a third of the contestants still being unmatched, Gideon drew Jacob’s marker and the competitor stood in acknowledgement and anticipation to see who he would be fighting later that week.

Gideon reached into the box, pulled out the marker and barely hid a grimace. “Princess Alexis will be the other participant in the sixty-seventh match.”

The woman in question took a breath and stood up from her seat in acknowledgement.

She and Jacob gave each other an acknowledging nod. However, the man then frowned when he noticed no one else at her table stood. “Excuse me,” he called out. “Who am I going to actually fight on the match?”

The woman looked at him squarely and said, “You will be fighting me, Sir Jacob. I will represent myself in this tournament.”

He blinked and the hall was quiet as everyone absorbed the announcement.

Gideon cleared his throat and called out, “Sir Jacob, has clarified everything for you?”

Frowning slightly, Jacob looked from the duke to the hosting king and back to the visiting princess. “King Gustavo, I refuse to fight a woman. Even in friendly combat. I request a champion be appointed for her majesty.”

The king who had been watching the ceremony quietly tried to hide his squirm. He then stated firmly, “I will not interfere in a participant’s decision to represent himself… or herself. I would think she has a greater risk than you… No insult intended, Princess Alexis.”

She casually shrugged in response, having gone through this argument before in her home tournaments.

“Sir Jacob, you may choose to accept the terms of the match, or forfeit the win to your opponent.”

The knight looked around the room, as if searching for someone to give him support or guidance, but he didn’t seem to find what he was looking for.

“Your Majesty, I respectfully forfeit.”

* * *

Slamming the study door behind him, Gustavo was so furious that he was ready to spit venom. He whipped off his crown and flung it against the nearby wall, letting it ricochet to some obscure corner in the room.

The tentative knock from the other side of the door reminded him that Gideon had actually been right behind him.


Sure enough, the door creaked open and the duke carefully peered in. “Sire, may I enter?”

He growled, “Of course! And lock the door behind you!”

Once the bolt was in place, he roared, “We cannot have that woman win because of fucking forfeitures!”

While Gideon was relieved that there was agreement, he was much more concerned at how his king’s face was beet red. “Sire, you’re not looking well. I suggest you take a deep breath and calm down.”

Gustavo flashed a glare to shut him up, which worked. Even though his facing was turning more and more red, he spoke forced his orders out as he pressed his hand against the pain in his chest. “I want you to announce a second place purse of a thousand gold coins and a third place purse of five hundred. Also, announce that we’ll redraw all of the matches before each new round. – And enlist every single man in the royal guard as late enrollees. Offer a hundred coins if someone wounds her in a match. A thousand and property if they beat her. And spread the word to the other participants but be careful to keep it from Alrik and his allies. The last thing I need is a real war breaking out over this! … And…. And…”


Focusing on his attention within, Gustavo gulped deep breaths as he worked his way to the nearest chair and settled himself. His labored breathing was the only sound for several minutes as they both waited to see what would happen next.

His face not quite as red as before but still covered in sweat and panting mildly, Gustavo motioned for a drink from the bar. “Don’t tell anyone about this. Especially Sophia. I don’t want her to worry… Do you have any questions about my orders?”

Gideon thought for a moment as he handed over a glass of wine. “What if they wound her mortally?”

Gustavo drunk the entire glass before he answered, “They may do whatever they need to. But they should not be obvious. And if there’s anything additional you can think of, you have my permission to proceed… I’m going to take a nap so I think I’ll miss lunch. Wake me for the tournament kick off.”

* * *

While he would have loved to enjoy a final lunch feast, Sir Jacob knew his forfeiture meant giving up the hospitality he received as a tournament participant. In the royal stables, he checked that he had securely packed his belongings on the back of his horse.

He wasn’t at all happy about how this turned out. He didn’t expect to win the tournament but that top prize wasn’t always the benefit. These events were always good opportunities to prove your skills and get the interest of people looking for the services of body guards or soldiers. And it doesn’t hurt getting the attention of the ladies too.

Now he was broke and lucrative job opportunities would not be easy to find. Survival isn’t a problem but living off of hunting and sleeping on the ground without pay to enjoy luxuries was… annoying. He wanted a life of property and money and it always seemed just out of his reach.

“Sir Jacob.”

Recognizing the duke, he paused and gave him a nod. “Hello, sir. I will be gone within the hour.”

“Actually, I’m here to see if you would be willing to stay,” he said, “under special circumstances.”

“I’m listening.”

“We regret that you had to bow out under such embarrassing circumstances. However, I wanted to let you know that we’ll be doing a second draw for additional participants tonight. We’re adding a second place purse of one thousand gold coins and a third place purse of five hundred. Plus, we’ll be redrawing matches with each round now. And I’d like you to consider reentering now that you know everything that would be expected. However, a second forfeiture cannot be allowed should you decide to rejoin the tournament all things considered. Are you interested?”

* * *

Dressed in the royal gown she had worn at the declaration ceremony, Alexis stepped into the royal box and noticed how the other attendees eventually paused in their conversations to give her an acknowledging greeting of another royal. She wasn’t fooled by their placid graciousness, knowing that most would just as readily greet her with a hostile glare if it weren’t for the need to be polite. Her father and Sven were nowhere to be seen, most likely studying opponents from the side and talking strategies.

She then saw Bianca sitting in the front and motioning for her to take the empty chair beside her. While the seats were the best possible, front row and center of the box, they were also placed right in front of the hosting king and queen, Bianca’s parents and Alexis’s mortal enemies. She now fully understood the gripes her brothers had shared about the times they had to win over future in-laws.

As she sat down, she couldn’t shake the feeling of awkwardness of what this may look like to the men who would be battling each other for woman beside her. She could have sworn she felt glares from almost every direction, from the front, sides and behind. Especially from behind.

Bianca leaned over and whispered, “Congratulations on your win.”

Alexis rolled her eyes at the tease and responded, “It’s déjà vu. It happens every time whenever matches are first drawn. But it also means when I do have to fight, I’m going to face someone who out to win at all costs.”

The hosting princess frowned in concern but then commented brightly, “Well, let’s just enjoy today’s matches and take it one day at a time.”

Though she did think the comment was naïve and short-sighted, Alexis regarded her attempt at being positive and genuinely sincere with a small smile. With nothing else to say, she relaxed in the chair, took an offered chalice from a servant, and waited for the first match to begin.

(To be continued)
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Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:39 am
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