"Batwoman" (DC)

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"Batwoman" (DC)

Postby pkristen » Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:21 am

Summary: Part of DC's latest attempt to revent its universe of heroes, this ongoing series devoted to Kate Kane, who was discharged prematurely from West Point under "Dont' Ask, Don't Tell', and who now serves her country in a different way as Batwoman.

I had learned about this series when I covered Wonder Con earlier this year for the Blade California magazine.

In the panel about LGBT characters, Batwoman was mentioned a lot but without details so I figured I needed to do some research. I popped into my local comic store and picked up the recent issues and was suitably impressed. And since I had recently purchased a tablet, it was easy for me to go over to Comixology.com to buy the current issues as they are released.

The art is gorgeous and the storylines are interesting. But I'll be frank in that the lead character herself doesn't appeal that much to me in that I am not really into angsty, dark characters.

HOWEVER, I am thrilled that her love interest is my long-time personal favorite of Police Officer Maggie Sawyer, who is actually drawn as a true babe by lesbian standards. If Maggie is ever written out of the series, my enthusiasm will certainly plummet but I'll still buy it as support.
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Re: "Batwoman" (DC)

Postby pkristen » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:24 am

So, spoilerville with issue #17:

This Bat proposes to her Ladycop.

I guess that eases my concerns about Maggie leaving the title anytime soon. :)

Though there's a part of me hoping that Maggie suspected at some level. She's supposed to be a seasoned detective after all. Though of course, the love blind-spot could always be used as a default (that Lois Lane syndrome - yes, pre-New 52 version.)
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