"Buffy Season 9: Billy The Vampire Slayer" (Dark Horse)

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"Buffy Season 9: Billy The Vampire Slayer" (Dark Horse)

Postby pkristen » Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:54 am

Within issues 14 & 15. A the comic book continuation of the beloved t.v. series (no, I'm not biased at all.) Vampire and zombies have combined and are causing trouble in San Francisco, the hub of Buffy's new home. So focus on high school kid Billy, who gets into hunting them down with his volunteer watcher and crush Devon.

I admit I tried to read the season 8 continuation but lost interest when "Fray" universe was introduced. But Nico gave me a heads up about the then upcoming Billy storyline and it was cheap enough and convenient enough for me to commit to checking it out.

My opinion? Very, very cute. And not really that much to offer in terms of being that original or thought provoking to someone who's totally immersed in the genre and the universe lore. But I recommend buying it to show support of the storyline, the characters and the overall effort. And it does kind of address the fact that the Buffy-verse had been a little bit lacking for gay boy fans.
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