"Catwoman" (2002-2008, DC)

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"Catwoman" (2002-2008, DC)

Postby pkristen » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:47 am

Summary: This particular series takes place before the 52 reboot of the DC universe. Selina Kyle had been presumed dead but slowly starts to surface to claim and protect her area of Gotham City.

Review: Thanks to the DC Wiki website, I learned about Holly Robinson, Selina's street urchin friend who eventually becomes a temporary Catwoman in this series. And during this run, Holly has a girlfriend, Karon.

I figured having a lesbian supporting character be in such a critical role was worth checking out. Plus, the series was relaunched by Ed Brubaker, whose work in "Gotham Central" I really liked and thought he treated the lesbianism of Rene Montoya and Maggie Sawyer with a certain amount of realistic frankness.

So it took three months for me to finally start reading the 80 plus issues. And it was a very tough exercise for what I wanted out it.

If anything, it proved to me how much Catwoman is NOT a female fan icon -- which supports my lackluster attitude about her in my personal history as a DC fangirl. She's a character whose uber-sexiness is meant to be a fan magnet for guys (both straight and gay). I think this is perfectly exemplified by her having an affair with much older guy in the series, which is an instant turn off for me personally -- and knowing that such gimmicks are ultimately for male interests.

When it was all over, I didn't think Holly's lesbianism was worth the time and expense of reading the issues. I admit the presentation of her relationship with Karon was nice and non-voyeuristic (most of the time), but it was really just boring. And I felt I could have spent my time and effort on material that would be so much more satisfying as a lesbian fan.

But, if this is the only time fan boys are truly exposed to somewhat non-sensational lesbians, then I consider it to have achieved its purpose. Though that being said, I would not recommend going through this exercise to another lesbian.
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