"Superman" 1987-2006 (DC)

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Moderator: pkristen

"Superman" 1987-2006 (DC)

Postby pkristen » Sun May 05, 2013 4:13 am

Summary: This version of Superman was at the time of the John Byrne-driven reboot of Superman. A lot of elements in this version were maintained well into the Superman-mythos up to the New 52 version, with some still being canon in this new universe.

Review: The digital release of these issues have started on Comixology and I've been indulging my baby-dyke memories with these issues that introduced one of my long-time favorite supporting characters of Detective Maggie Sawyer, including her critical back-story featured in issue 15.

However, it does bring back the problems that I had back then: Maggie is drawn in a physically overtly sexual manner of wearing mini-skirts yet have a mannish face while all other women are drawn as Byrne-style gorgeous. But it was done at the time of me definitely being a beggar who wasn't about to be a chooser.

Glad the New 52 version of Maggie is a lot more dyke-hot in her role in "Batwoman" but nostalgia still has a soft spot for her original version.
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