"Noir" (Anime)

Manga, anime, music and other material created by people from the Land of the Rising Sun!
Formerly known as the website "This Lesbian's Guide To Anime & Manga".

Moderator: pkristen

"Noir" (Anime)

Postby pkristen » Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:28 am

Summary: Mireille is a lone assassin for hire whose curiosity is piqued by a mysterious request to discover The Past. In responding to this request, she discovers Kirika, a Japanese girl who has no personal memory but is unusually adept at killing. And she has a stopwatch that Mireille remembers from the most traumatic moment of her past. They team up to unravel this set of interlocking mysteries.

Review: I remember watching this series back when it was originally released ten years ago and loving it from a story and presentation perspective. I finally did a marathon viewing again and was pleased that it held true to my memories, and also my frustrations about overly stylized melodrama. But it still delivers if you like an interesting, well-executed story.

As for the lesbian potential of the series, you can indulge to your personal interpretation levels with the hints and flashes it shows. For me personally, I highly recommended it to other lesbians so that's where I stand on it. :)
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