"Gunsmith Cats" (Manga)

Manga, anime, music and other material created by people from the Land of the Rising Sun!
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"Gunsmith Cats" (Manga)

Postby pkristen » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:24 pm

Originally reviewed June 10, 2001

Temporary Lesbian Analysis
Well, there’s definitely a lot more lesbian elements in the manga than what’s shown in the anime, but there’s still some digging you have to do — at least in the volumes that have been currently released. (I know Misty has the big final story arc that’s in comic installment release right now.) I’ll probably revisit the entire series once the final volume is released in English.

Misty Brown: Petty burglar who tries to come clean.

# When Rally is first hunting her down, Misty holds back a couple of times on hurting Rally. And it’s this weak spot that Rally uses to catch her. Of course, nothing in this particular interaction is really LESBIAN, just shows more than not that Misty really has the heart to be a Good Guy. Although she does cut off Rally’s skirt, which can be explained as just a means of her wanting to distract Rally in her attempt to get away.

# Does ask to stay with Rally once she gets out of prison in what may seem like a throw away joke at the end of the story.

# Makes an unexpected pass at Rally by kissing her cheek in gratitude, followed by an obviously more serious attempt on the lips.

# Tells Rally and May about a woman named “Janice” that she met in prison, and whose murder she’s trying to avenge/clear up. Rally guesses that their relationship was more than just friendship, which Misty doesn’t deny.

# It seems that she really does end up living with Rally and May after all. ;)

Goldie: “Towering Ultra-Woman Assassin” (per description on the back of the book)

# Upon meeting Misty, clearly and openly has a thing for her but in that scary, intimidating sort of way that’s understandably unnerving to our resident (open) lesbian.

# Has an obvious dominatrix thing, given that she dresses Misty in leather bondage gear, which the latter is not happy about. (With probable implications of rape.)

# Keeps a harem of female slaves who are also brainwashed.

# Drugs and rapes Rally. (Definition clarification, folks: any time a sex act is involved and both parties aren’t fully conscious and willing, it’s nonconsensual.)

# Even after all of the business matters are “settled”, wants to keep Misty for clearly personal reasons.

# Openly operates with the motive that she’s “madly” in love with Rally. (Her words.)

Becky: Informant and friend of the Gunsmith Cats

# Although seems to be a friend to the women, never forgets to remind them that she doesn’t do work for free, (meaning no money)

# Not a single romantic interest, interaction or history that I could find

Rally Vincent:

# Is accused by May of being a 19 year old virgin, at which she reacts as if the assessment is true by very shaky denials. Also May points out Rally’s lack of love experience in general.

# True, she told Misty to back off by the unexpected kiss, but pointed out that she was driving the car as her reason for rejection.

# Cries at the loss of Misty, who was held hostage by Goldie.

# Does not react positively to the up close sight of a naked man’s crotch.

# Guy makes pass at her in truck stop and she tells him she’s not interested. One can argue that she’s more distracted by following her “prey” but it’s clear that she was annoyed rather than flattered by the attention. Until she’s able to use it to her advantage, and even then she’s uncomfortable about any discussion gearing towards sex.

# I admit she does have a good “relationship” with Bean Bandit, but I honestly read it as a respect of professionals than anything romantic. Perhaps bordering into friendship and friendly rivalry, but again, not romantic.

Bonnie: Villain “Bonnie and Clyde” storyline.

# The first psycho bitch from hell that is in this series.

# No romantic interests at all. Just blood thirsty — the type to repel people rather than attract them, even if she’s cute.

Riff Raff: Hired getaway driver.

# Butch but no signs of any love/romantic interests.
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