"Neon Genesis Evangelion" (Anime)

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"Neon Genesis Evangelion" (Anime)

Postby pkristen » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:35 pm

26 Episode TV Series. Originally reviewed October 29, 2001

In slightly futuristic Tokyo, modern man created the organization NERV to battle the invading angels who herald the last days of the world as dictated in “Revelations.” The key to this plan are giant Eva battle suits piloted by fourteen year old boys and girls, each of whom has complex personal issues which make the challenges difficult, if not downright impossible at times.

One of my absolute all-time favorites. I love richly layered, complex stories with intriguing and charismatic characters. I agree with the general consensus that the series proceeds forwards without any pretenses of whether or not you should LIKE the characters; you either accept them with flaws intact or not, just like real people. For example, I’m rather neutral about fiery redhead Asuka when she makes her appearance and proceeds to dominate the screen, however, without her, Rei and Shinji would have just made the show feel like “manic depressants on parade,” (to borrow a line from a totally unrelated comic book “Love and Rockets.”) I do admit that I have a soft spot for Major Misato Katsuragi — *sigh*, a woman who SHOULD be a lesbian, but despite that, a great character in terms of someone who’s trying to do the best with what she has. The entire cast is filled with memorable and distinctive characters, each adding their piece to the entire puzzle, and the entire series benefits from it.

The animation is exceptional and the production and planning behind it shows in its high quality look, even for a TV series. The mecha look is clearly detailed and complex, balancing out the rich nature of the character interactions by being just plain visually stunning.

Yes, yes — I know that the TV series ends on an extremely confusing and dissatisfying note. I’ve seen the movies (which are to show the “real” ending of the series) and admit there are a couple items from the TV version of the ending that I miss. But the movies deserve their own entry because of the additional material and difference in ending — when they’re FINALLY released next year!

Lesbian Analysis
Maya Ibuki – Right hand woman of her “sempai” Dr. Ritsuko Akagi.

It is SOOO obvious she has a hero worship/crush on the other woman, but is completely sweet and charming about it. No romantic connections otherwise. One of those you REALLY want to get the girl in the End. (Was that a pun?)

Dr. Ritsuko Akagi – Chief Scientist/Technical Advisor for NERV.

I know she’s NOT one (and having extremely bad taste in men at that), but she sure as hell triggered my gaydar for most of the series (and perhaps it was a blend of wishful thinking.) But heck, “single woman with cats” — I mean, how much more of a suspiciously inconclusive stereotype can you get?! Maybe I’m just disappointed because I thought she and Maya would have been so cute together. (Again, my comments about the movies will have different notes.)
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