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"Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland" (Anime)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:23 am
by pkristen
1 Episode OVA. Originally reviewed March 25, 2001

A slightly risqué version of the “Alice in Wonderland” adventures crammed into 35 minutes. Note: has a sexy, all female cast, including the characters who had been animals or objects in the Lewis Carroll originals.

Because I’m a CLAMP fan and a lesbian, I decided I had to watch this just to see what all the internet controversy was about. I admit, as I watched it, I kept thinking over and over “CLAMP did this?!”

I’m at a loss really on what to write about this one other than you just have to see it to believe it.

A note: I personally think the sexuality is very minor, a lot of teasing and innuendos instead of anything particularly graphic, but some funny moments even with that. I have to admit though that I did like the non-stop music that played in the background; it did add a funky feeling to the whole viewing experience…well, funkier.

Lesbian Analysis
An all female cast where everyone (but Miyuki) is wearing revealing outfits and acting very erotic around each other. There’s no way you can watch this and misunderstand the flirting and activities as “being just friendly.” To me it had the distinct feeling of bordering into soft porn without any real sexual activity. And with that, it also doesn’t feel really lesbian, meaning having “realistic” portrayals of women, so I don’t consider it noteworthy material. Again, I sat through it in amazement that the all-female team CLAMP created this, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have watched it in the first place.

Miyuki: Mild mannered school girl who is unexpectedly pulled into these bizarre worlds.

# Yes, she gets hit on left and right by these bizarro, gorgeous women, but she still goes through the motions as a meek person being controlled by stronger personalities. She reacts with the shock that is appropriate for a “good, little girl”, especially since her strongest reaction to being undressed was that she wasn’t married yet. (Which, if taken culturally literally, means she’s heterosexually defined.)

The Wonderland Characters: All of the familiar characters portrayed as sexy and scantily clad women.

# Clearly one-dimensional in thoughts and actions as aggressive “lesbians”, serving their shock-value purpose and moving on.