"Battle Athletes" (Anime)

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"Battle Athletes" (Anime)

Postby pkristen » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:20 am

6 Episode Anime OVA. Originally reviewed May 21, 2001

Focuses on the story of Akari Kanzaki, who must attend an outer space sports training university to compete for the coveted title of Cosmic Beauty, which her mother had already won.

I have to admit I was considerably wary of checking this series out based on the very sexy looking covers. What finally convinced me to do so was doing a test rental of the first episode combined with the price drop in the DVDs. I think it all eventually worked out for the best.

Overall, I do think it’s a worthwhile series, if you can ignore the gratuitous shots of female anatomy (not that I personally have that many issues with it), as well as the “hubba hubba” feel the English language dialogue seems to add. There are some slight differences in the Japanese/English language dialogues that will be commented on below, however the most noteworthy thing to consider going into this series is the complete lack of a substantial male romantic lead for the girls — sorry, I don’t count Headmaster Oldman even though he tries.

Lesbian Analysis
Akari Kanzaki – Lead character and has big sneakers to fill by being the daughter of famed Cosmic Beauty legend Tomoe Midou.
* In the first episode, is freaked out by a female roommate doing a naked ceremonial dance, claiming she’s not really into “that”.
* Obviously looked up to Kris, as a friend and mentor. However, does noticeably reacts when Kris innocently holds her hand or gives her a massage while she (Kris) is naked.
* Does blush at being smiled at by a boy, but that could just be an insecurity issue or argument for bisexuality rather than being completely straight.
* Third roommate teases Akari about having a crush on Kris — at which there is a lot of protesting too much.
* Then there’s the matter of the farewell kiss and someone not protesting at all, in one of the most romantic moments in the series.

Kris Christopher – Devotedly Religious “Beginner” and Competes to “Find God within Her”
* Clearly has a different sense of social etiquette since she’s quite the nudist and believes in ceremonial dances in similar states of undress to celebrate having new roommates.
* She did kiss Akari, but also explained it as a custom of her people. That doesn’t mean the custom is not romantic in nature.
* I think you can view Kris’s behavior as one of two ways: She’s so innocent to romantic activity (as shown by her being overwhelmed by romance manga) that she is clearly clueless about anyone having attraction to her or vice versa. On the other hand, being the very straight forward and unpretentious person that she is, you could also successfully argue that she knows damn well what she’s doing but doesn’t feel a need to make a big deal about it or have issues over it.

Lahrri – Current Cosmic Beauty and Athletic Icon/Challenge for Everyone
* Apparently has no interest in anyone or thing except for exceeding her personal best, most notably shown by the way she blows off Akari in the first introduction.
* Despite being the cool Ice Queen, is obviously impressed by Kris, (and eventually Akari), in their lacrosse match.
* Later on, is shown in a very intense racquetball match with Kris. I think a rather eyebrow raising setting given how this woman seems to relish being alone otherwise.
* Raise eyebrows even higher when she comments to Kris about breaking records together.
* Continues to not care about anyone else, but does like to watch Kris compete with what could be described as a potential smile on an otherwise stoic face.
* Promises to run final race against Kris, obviously a position of honor that is used quite a bit throughout the series for various folks.

Mylandah – Second Place to Lahrri and is the Psycho *itch at University Satellite
* Is obsessed with competing at long-time rival Lahrri. This is so obvious that Headmaster Oldman actually uses this fact to make sure she behaves herself so she won’t be kicked out, or to make her compete in the Acro-Spike match with the Boy’s Satellite.
* Not at all happy when she sees Lahrri watch someone else.
* Becomes insanely jealous of Kris and Akari as people who are replace her as Lahrri’s prime rival.
* By the end, she is SOOO into “Fatal Attraction” territory with Lahrri. But then, you kind of see it coming…

Tanya – Akari’s Buddy
* Awfully excited about the idea of boys coming for the Acro Spike tournament.
* By the end, however, has an obvious idol/crush fixation on Lahrri. After all, when the final race ends in a spill, her first concern was over Lahrri’s safety, not Akari whom you would think is a closer friend. Yeah, she proclaims Lahrri as a new role model for her, but still…

Joanne – Woman In Charge
* I’m listing her here because in the English translation, Headmaster Oldman asks her out for a drink and she accepts. In the Japanese, their relationship is strictly professional, thus making her Suspiciously Inconclusive since she works and lives out in space without any noticeable male companionship.
* Still, the ending credits do go by with her holding a little child. Doesn’t necessarily have to be hers, but then even if it was, doesn’t mean she didn’t use artificial means of getting said child.
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