“Stonewall Uprising” (PBS, US Documentary)

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“Stonewall Uprising” (PBS, US Documentary)

Postby pkristen » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:01 am

Originally posted on my blog: Tuesday 20 December 2011

Part of the PBS American Experience series: through several first hand stories, the timeline and details of the 1969 Stonewall Inn riots is reconstructed from all perspectives of participants, including the lead police officer involved. It includes all of the explanation of the circumstances which built up to that night and including the development of the LGBT activism movement in the U.S.

My Thoughts (with potential spoilers!):
Another one of those gems that I managed to get a few minutes sneak peek at it and quickly decided it was a DVD that I wanted to own.

Despite my over twenty years of exposure to activism, there were gems of information that I (and my fellow activist friends who watched with me) didn’t even know, like a lesbian was the first to really protest the arrests that night.

A great viewing for not only the jaded but the need/want to be educated as well.
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