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"Lost Girl" (Syfy, Canadian TV series)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:03 am
by pkristen
Hot and sexy Bo discovers that the reason why she wakes up next to dead bodies is that she's a succubus. So after ten years of being on the run, she's discovered and starts to look for answers to her own past as well as the new world of the Fae, of supernatural lore that exist in the modern world.

Call it target advertising but I never had an interest in the show until I saw the cover for the second season DVD/BD releases, with a sexy and longing look from one woman to another. Since my gaydar totally binged, I decided to check it out and I admit I am committed to the show (though I'm only up to episode 11.)

I admit, I'm totally into the Bo/Lauren angle, even though the frequent female eye-candy ain't bad. But the pairing has my television interest that hasn't been triggered in a while.

Kenzie is my hardest pill since I have no patience for mouthy, comic-relief side-kick. Though I admit she is occasional amusing, but the percentage of laughs to screen time isn't high. But such a character arch-type seems to be a requirement for such shows, I'd rather it be a young female than goofy guy.

Re: "Lost Girl" (Syfy, US TV series)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:01 am
by pkristen
Okay, so now I'm completely up to date, having consumed season 2. This show has kind of jumped to my must watch list now for its 3rd season premiere in Jan '13.

I write "kind of" since I've realized I'm a total Lauren fan but when she's not on screen, I become distracted by how much the show is trying so hard to be a "Buffy"-wannabe. And it would work better if Bo actually had the physical presence to look like she really could kick ass. (I'm not saying Sarah Michelle Gellar has this totally intimidating physical presence but the "Buffy" series had fight choreography that really looked like she was causing the damage that she did.)

Though I admit I've come to better appreciate Kenzie (and the Dark Fae leader.)

Re: "Lost Girl" (Syfy, Canadian TV series)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:15 am
by pkristen
Oh, and now that I've researched the series a bit more, I'm correcting the reference of it being a US series to Canadian. (My bad!) Give credit where credit is due.

Re: "Lost Girl" (Syfy, Canadian TV series)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:29 am
by pkristen
So in preparation for the launch of season 3 next month, I rewatched the series and have come to terms with my few issues of the show.

As LG ages, it's getting better at establishing itself as its own universe with its own realm of stories (and I do like the use of real-world mythology versus the made up ones in "Buffy".)

And I'm certainly not saying that "Buffy" was my only supernatural interest -- I am also a "True Blood" fan as well as other shows, movies and comic books of a related genres.

Plus more and more, as I research the show online, I'm really liking the fact that the show is Canadian, and free of U.S. innate homophobia, (even among it's most progressive shows.) Plus, hot lesbian/bisexual characters will always get my interest.

Now anxiously waiting for "LG" to come back in a few weeks!