"(A) Sexual" (US Documentary 2011)

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"(A) Sexual" (US Documentary 2011)

Postby pkristen » Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:17 am

Focused on the experiences of David Jay, founder of AVEN (Asexual Visibility and Education Network – http://www.asexuality.org). Based on casual and media interviews, “person off the street responses” and group representation at the San Francisco gay pride parade. But the undercurrent of it all is trying to understand how 1% of the population can identify at people who don’t feel any sexual attraction to anyone.

My documentary curiousity caused me to check out the instant viewing option. Watching it reminded me of several moments when I wore my lesbian activist hat and trying to explain LGBT concepts to people within and without the community. Most notably, I remember a conversation I had with a lesbian community leader on the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity, and she still didn’t get it after an hour (and I’m usually pretty good at explaining concepts.) There were several parts of this documentary that had the same feel to me, where people claim to want to understand but continually project their own biases and experiences into the lesson.

As for whether or not I personally believe in asexuality, it’s really not that surprising to me that there are people who are like that. And I’m not about to deny someone’s perspective of themselves when I haven’t been in their shoes, (I’ve been on the other side of that situation as an activist.) Plus, my own life and friends have occasionally proven that the two person sexually monogamous relationships aren’t always the template that works.

But it was an interesting documentary that I wouldn’t shout about from the rooftops but it definitely made me think “That’s an interesting way of looking at things. And to each their own if they can make it work.”

And for the record, I did watched the show and thought “That definitely isn’t me.”
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