"Heroes" (US TV Series)

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"Heroes" (US TV Series)

Postby pkristen » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:19 am

Summary: Seemingly ordinary people discover they have special and super powers. This series follows the choices each of them makes to come to grips with their power, some taking the path to heroism while others go down a darker path.

Review: I have a slightly weird history with this show. Because I haven't had access to regular t.v. in years, I missed the hubbub when it first premiered. However, I knew about it because it promptly took over Comic Con in a craziness to be repeated by Twilight years later. So I watched season one in reruns, season two as it aired, went to the Comic Con panel to promote season three, but never got around to actually watching the rest of the series.

But something always lingered in the back of my mind to revisit it some day but I really did like the acting, (most of the) characters and its approach, even if some elements of it was a little too fan-boyish for my taste. (Want an O.D. on bromance anyone?)

Yet sometime last year, I discovered a reference to a lesbian character in season four (as a college roommate) and I thought Hmmmmm.

So I finally finished a marathon viewing of all four seasons -- which admittedly took me a while and hence why I haven't updated this board with new reviews in a while. And with each episode done, there was a part of me wondering if I was setting myself up for a huge disappointment for when season four happened.

My verdict on this lesbian character? While she's really more bisexual with her admission of dating more guys than girls, I really liked her! Which says a lot about both the actress and the show's creative team for executing such a character and scenario well. And the surprise of reciprocation was the icing on the cake. :)

Though I do have one tangent gripe about season 4: What the hell is with casting almost all of the new female characters as pretty, mostly blonde Caucasian women?! For a show that really held itself to an international appeal when it launched, a part of me was really annoyed by the casting (though no fault of the actresses themselves.)
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