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"Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" (2011 US Movie)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:52 am
by pkristen
Originally posted on my blog: Thursday 5 January 2012

The next installment of the butch/action oriented versions of the famous detective and his doctor partner.

My Thoughts (with potential spoilers!):
Like its predecessor, this movie delivers more of the same. And like its predecessor, it definitely plays with the “bromance” between the leading men. There are more than a few moments that in context or out of context would raise a few eyebrows.

Though I quickly became bored with the over-indulgent visualizations, the character interactions were enough to regain my attention.

And I must say it has the most interesting interpretation of Mycroft, Sherlock’s older brother as someone who doesn’t spend much time in the company of women.

I recommend it to those who like gay sub(overt)-text at its most playful.