"Tenchi Universe" (Anime)

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"Tenchi Universe" (Anime)

Postby pkristen » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:17 am

26 Episode TV Series. Review written March 19, 2002.

Tenchi and company are now depicted in 26 episodes worth of comedy/drama, including this time around time and alternative realities, and being intergalactic fugitives. Most of the cast of characters are in the carnation, with noticeable changes in their history and relations.

This series is notable in the new character of Kiyone, Galatic Police Officer partner of Mihoshi.

I thought I was done with the Tenchi franchise after sitting through the OVA collection but I was obviously wrong. Matt and Egret have pointed out that I should check out “Tenchi Universe” if for nothing other than to watch Kiyone. And since I knew the Kiyone/Mihoshi pairing is quite famous in the yuri circles, I figured I might as well educate myself on them as well as put in my two cents.

Well, my opinion of the overall franchise hasn’t changed in that it was a huge struggle to get through watching the series, even with half the attention I gave most of the scenes. I realized something as I watched it that I can tolerate and even like “boy” material, but not at the expense of the girls. I’d rather there not be any women rather than tokenized or bad female stereotypes running around.

The first set of introductory episodes set the characters and their relations up in ways that were similar to the OVAs. The time and alternative reality episodes were obviously a play on putting the same characters through different situations, with some “surprising” results. The final showdown in the war against the new evil ruler of Jurai was just predictable beyond belief. The final episode had a lot of fast-forwarded moments for me. I would write more comparison notes between the OVA and this series but I honestly already forgot a good chunk of what happened in the first series.

Yes, the characters, most notably Ryoko and Ayeka proved to have a bit more depth to them by the end of the series, but it’s still basically a fight “Over the Guy”. The only difference I appreciated between this series from the OVA was that Ryoko and Ayeka’s antagonism started long before Tenchi was ever in the picture, so it took off a bit of the bite about the two of them being such man-hungry losers. The only thing that would have made the franchise COMPLETELY intolerable was if Tenchi himself showed any overtly macho/jerk-like behaviors.

And I’m thankful that Ryo-Ohki didn’t turn into creepy toddler hybrid — though no Queen Mothers.

So NOW I’m finished with the Tenchi franchise…

Lesbian Analysis
Nagi – Bounty hunter after Ryoko

Yes, she’s butch and doesn’t have a significant other, ex or current. However, I don’t get any genuine romantic vibe in her interactions with the only character who maintained her “interest”, Ryoko. I do know that in the end she negatively overreacts to someone who asks if Ryoko is a friend, but a majority of their interactions consist of macho strutting that I have a hard time pushing to the edge of genuine romantic feelings.

Now the one significant statement Nagi makes is when she sneers at Ryoko for turning soft for falling in love. This is obviously a flag in the way that shows that Nagi herself is probably not, nor ever has been in love. Or if she has been in love, given her negative attitude and “weak” implication, probably did not think highly of the experience. So with that in mind, I’d rather she had a poor straight experience than a lesbian one.

Mihoshi – Incompetent beyond belief Galaxy Police Officer


Kiyone – Ultra competent but unfortunately assigned as Mihoshi’s (professional) partner.

Well, let me be frank first in that Mihoshi annoyed me in the OVA series because I can’t stand dingbat characters. But at least she was ultimately an able police officer. In “Tenchi Universe”, this little bit of respectability is taken away from her. And because I was watching this series specifically for interactions between her and Kiyone, it meant I had to really pay attention to Mihoshi, which I was NOT pleased about. (Grrr….)

Okay, got that off my chest, now for the real comments:

Well, I definitely don’t think they’re in love with each other by any romantic definition, but then to be fair, not every heterosexual couple is in love either. Yes, they live together and are always connected in terms of being associated both professionally and socially.

And that’s how I view their relationship: Mihoshi wants Kiyone around for security and simple devotion, and Kiyone stays with her out of habit and her own version of security. I don’t view them as any form of romantic couple that should be held up for any kind of role-model or entertainment pleasure for other lesbians.

Additional note: I know some people are probably going to point out the episode where Magical Pretty Sasami appears for the first time as a fantasy, alternative world episode. Kiyone and Mihoshi play two homophobic teachers and Ayaka and Ryoko were “in love” with each other. If anyone confuses the sarcasm and irony in that episode with the general canon content of the series overall, I am not going to waste time trying to clarify how they should ‘correctly’ perceive that storyline.
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